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Today we reach yet another milestone on our Dumbarton Harbour project. The final part of the red brick tower is demolished and our project shifts from being a demolition operation to a New Build/Regeneration project. It is a day that we have all been working towards for some time and, as a team, we are delighted to have successfully and safely reached this stage.

There has been a lot of public interest in the tower’s demolition. Some are happy to see it go, others no so much. By the time we acquired the tower it was beyond repair and the only thing to do was demolish it. We’ve had several requests for bricks from the tower so that people can retain a piece of the history of Dumbarton, we were only too happy to oblige.

The Demolition itself was not straight forward and it required lots of investigation and planning. Our contractors, Caskie Construction and Demolition, have executed the demolition project flawlessly. They will now focus on clearing the demolition debris and making the site ready for the construction phase.

Obtaining Planning Approval is the next significant milestone for us. The application will go before West Dunbartonshire Council’s Planning Committee in March. We are hopeful that a successful determination will give us the green light to progress with the development.

Emma Garry, Development Director at Cullross commented:

“We understand that the tower demolition is bittersweet to many of the residents of Dumbarton. There are many personal and family connections to the site due to its previous uses as a distillery and shipyard before that. We are working hard to ensure that our proposals for the site will contribute to the regeneration of the town centre and become an important part of Dumbarton’s future. Our planning application is due to be determined at Committee in March and we only hope that the Committee will see the benefits of what we are proposing to build and how it fits into the bigger picture and the revival of the town.”

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