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Updated: Feb 27, 2023

For the past 12 months Cullross have been sponsoring a youth football team based Braehead, Harmony Row 2002.

We are absolutely delighted to hear that they have recently won the West of Scotland Cup.

“I speak on behalf of everyone at Cullross when I say massive congratulations to Harmony Row 2002 and well done to all involved! The hard work has paid off. We are delighted to sponsor Harmony Row and we hope that our support helps, in some small way, to make running organisations like Harmony Row easier”

- Ryan Fletcher

Harmony Row is a charity which manages football teams for under 7s right up to under 21s. They also manage netball teams, with no less than six of their players representing Scotland at different levels.

Harmony Row is proud of its ethos that sport is more than just physical effort and competitiveness, they see their role as helping to develop rounded, mature young adults. Football represents a wonderful way of engaging young people and the club is determined to fulfil its social obligations by maintaining its policy of ensuring that it remains open to all who share an interest in sport whatever their religion, race, colour or sexual orientation.

If you are interested in learning more about Harmony Row please see their website:

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